About the Association

The Association for Risk Management is an non- governmental organization, which was conceived much earlier and formally — legally established in 2014 — by registering with the competent institutions and bodies. As a non-governmental organization, the Association was registered at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina. We had the successful realization of activities and projects to improve the safety and business segment, primarily in the area of identification of risks to people, material goods and processes, and in the areas of protection and rescue.

The Association brings together a significant number of practitioners and experts in the area of security, law, technical, social and humanistic sciences, with the titles of graduates, masters/masters and doctoral students. The Association has signed cooperation agreements with a number of institutions, of which we highlight an agreement with the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Association for Risk Management AZUR was established with the mission to improve the management of natural and man-made disaster risks, through communication with the State administration and other relevant institutions, as well as through the various activities of the expert committees of the Association, with various initiatives to improve the application of relevant laws, technical regulations and the realization of other activities, in accordance with the Statute of the Association. In addition, the tasks of the Association are to inform the public about risk management activities, as well as to work with national associations and other relevant institutions in this region and Europe. Also, the Association organizes the education of students, and represents the interests of association at local, national and international level. The aim of the establishment of the Association is to pursue and protect the interests of the members of the Association. The Association for Risk Management AZUR is an adequate platform for concentrating expertise and making it more efficient to engage together in this area. The Association provides all its members (founders, permanent members, associates and honorary members) with the latest information on laws, standards and new techniques, technologies, materials, design and current trends that apply and exist in the area of risk management on a continuous and timely basis. The purpose of the Association’s existence is to network and connect members of the Association with domestic and foreign counterparts, companies and organizations, and to represent the professional and economic interests of its members. The association within the organization has a coordinating service for memberships. The Association shall have staff for the tasks of information, recording, collaborating, coordinating and training members.

Statutory objectives

The Association is guided by following statutory objectives:

  • Support for the drafting of statutory, bylaw strategic documents in the field of security at all levels of government and socio-political regulation in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Work to improve citizens’ awareness of the prevention and management of risks in the system of protection and rescue against natural and other accidents and to present the importance of these activities, through the organization of round tables, seminars, conferences in accordance with the Act, and by monitoring global and European achievements and trends in this area.
  • Support and assistance to organs, institutions and organizations dealing with the protection and rescue of people and material goods, by developing the necessary documentation and conducting training and exercises;
  • Support and assistance to institutions and organizations dealing with the maintenance of public security, by developing the necessary documentation and conducting training and exercises;
  • Support and assistance to organs, institutions and organizations involved in military selection, by supporting the development of the necessary documentation and the conduct of training and exercises;
  • Supporting and assisting organs, institutions and organizations involved in energy efficiency and security creation and maintenance tasks, by developing the necessary documentation and conducting training and exercises;
  • Supporting and assisting organs, institutions and organizations involved in the creation of environmental protection by developing the necessary documentation and conducting training and exercises;
  • Support and assistance to organs, institutions and organizations dealing with the prevention of and fight against IT and cyber operations, by developing the necessary documentation and conducting training and exercises;
  • Support and assistance to organs, institutions and organizations involved in the prevention of and fight against corruption and organized crime, by developing the necessary documentation and conducting training and exercises;
  • Support and assistance to organs, institutions and organizations involved in the prevention of and fight against terrorist threats, by developing the necessary documentation and conducting training and exercises;
  • To support and assist in the development of the necessary documentation and the organization of training for operators and facilities in the private and internal protection sectors;
  • Support and assistance to organs, institutions and organizations dealing with citizen security self-organization tasks, by supporting the development of the necessary documentation and the conduct of training and exercises;
  • Organizing lectures, training and workshops in educational establishments for children and young people with regard to accident prevention, the safety system and the functioning of this system in emergencies;
  • Advocacy and participation in the organization of courses and seminars to educate members of the Association, local communities and citizens.