Scientific, professional and informative journal

Požar, eksplozije, preventiva (Fire, explosion, prevention)

The Association for Risk Management was given the copyright to present something from the rich treasury, and the bright and productive history of the Institute for Fire and Explosion Protection. It is a scientific, professional and informative magazine “Fire, explosion and prevention”.

As is well known, technical-technological disasters initiate and cause the greatest peacetime hazards and consequences, even greater than natural disasters. The consequences are longer-term and more complex (remember only Chernobyl and Chernobyl and Fukushima). This issue cannot be addressed only ad hoc in times of hazard, or in the phase of elimination of consequences. Prevention is the key to action and successful prevention of technical and technological accidents, as is the case with the fight against all other hazards and security threats. So the formula that is definitely a winning combination is, prevention, prevention and again prevention.

Given the above, this eminent journal certainly made a significant contribution in the 1980s, and on this occasion we have made this valuable material available for reading.

The rights to continue printing and publishing this material are reserved by the Institute for Fire and Explosion Protection, as well as all other copies of the reproduction, except for reading or using parts of the material with reference to the source.


Naučni, stručni i informativni časopis “Požar, ekspolozija, preventiva” 1: Januar 1980. god.

Naučni, stručni i informativni časopis “Požar, ekspolozija, preventiva” 4: Decembar 1980.

Naučni, stručni i informativni časopis “Požar, ekspolozija, preventiva” 2: Juni 1981

Naučni, stručni i informativni časopis “Požar, ekspolozija, preventiva” 3: Oktobar 1983.god.

Naučni, stručni i informativni časopis “Požar, ekspolozija, preventiva” 2: Juli 1984.god.

Naučni, stručni i informativni časopis “Požar, ekspolozija, preventiva” 3: Septembar 1988

Naučni, stručni i informativni časopis “Požar, ekspolozija, preventiva” 1-2: Februar-maj 1989.

Naučni, stručni i informativni časopis “Požar, ekspolozija, preventiva” 4: Novembar 1989

Scientific, professional and informative journal

Zaštita (Protection)

Also, the Association for Risk Management has the honor to present the scientific, professional and informative journal “Protection”, which also provides views and solutions in the field of security, with special emphasis on the time of the 70s and 80s. What is important to emphasize is the fact that science was then strongly affirmed and questioned, unfortunately perhaps more then than now. Therefore, we learn from positive examples of the past, and this journal is certainly a positive example and a good guide for today’s concepts in the field of science and practice, both today and in the future.

The rights to continue printing and publishing this material are reserved by the Institute for Fire and Explosion Protection, as well as all other copies of the reproduction, except for reading or using parts of the material with reference to the source.


Naučni, stručni i informativni časopis “Zaštita”: Februar 1976.

Naučni, stručni i informativni časopis “Zaštita”: Oktobar 1982.

Naučni, stručni i informativni časopis “Zaštita”: Maj-Juni 1983.

Naučni, stručni i informativni časopis “Zaštita”: Oktobar 1983.

Naučni, stručni i informativni časopis “Zaštita”: Novembar-decembar 1983.

Naučni, stručni i informativni časopis “Zaštita”: Oktobar 1984.

Naučni, stručni i informativni časopis “Zaštita”: August 1987.